The Magic of Apple Blossoms - Chapter 1-5

Chapter 1.
Hedda walked out of the store with the twig in her hand. Her moms had given her the twig this morning so she could plant it somewhere special. The twig was from the apple tree in their garden. The tree that was older than anyone knew and was well known in the whole village for being something extra special. It's apples tasted a little more special than other apples in the village and it had given twigs for new trees for so long time that most trees in the village probably could be traced back to this one.

To plant ones first tree was a special part of the ceremony and part of getting her magic. She knew the act of planting a tree by putting just a fresh twig in the soil wasn’t the way people without magic did it. But she had seen it done by Alvies all her life and to her that was the way to do it. She wanted to find a special spot. Somewhere unique. She’d probably end up planting it inside the circle of houses like most Alvies did but she wanted to explore her options first. 
After all, it was her sixteenth birthday and today was the day of the ceremony that would give her her real magic. Not that she didn't have magic. But compared to an adult Alvie it was just party tricks.
She had been outside the store outside the circle many times. But she had never seen a car there before. Usually she was aware if non magic people was around but this time she didn’t have that feeling at all. She did have some other feeling though. A feeling that something was about to happen. 

Morgan wasn’t quite sure how she had ended up here. Her mind must have been somewhere else and somehow she had ended up on a lonely road in the middle of the woods and her van had decided to break down outside a run down gas station that was the only house she had seen for like an hour. It was really weird. She had never ever been in a vehicle that had stopped for any unexplained reason. And she had never really been confused how she had ended up somewhere either. She never really planned to go places. But it kinda always ended up being where she wanted to go. Even if she hadn’t exactly known that was what she wanted. But this. It felt different. She felt things she wasn’t used to feel. Like something was building up to happen and she didn’t know what. Something big and scary but not scary as in dangerous but more scary as in totally overwhelming because she wasn’t used to not knowing because she always knew somehow and she was always in control and now she wasn’t and it was like something inside her was taking her somewhere she never had been before. She went out of the car and walked towards the door to the house because it was clearly where she was meant to go. She was a bit scared and freaked out because of all the unfamiliar emotions but she was trying really hard to find her normal confident self. She probably wasn’t doing a good job of it. 

The door closed behind Hedda at the same time as a girl walked around the van. Her black hair was long and shiny and she was wearing a cap and plaid purple shirt with some jeans and a T-shirt. Her personality was hard to read because her emotional state was really confusing. So big. So mesmerizing. So hard to not be drawn in to.  And she didn’t know if she wanted to stop it. 

Morgan didn’t plan to kiss the blonde girl that had walked out the door with an apple twig in her hand. She wasn’t even sure if she was the one who kissed the girl. Or if the girl had kissed her. But there was definitely kissing. Kissing like never before. Kissing she never knew existed. She had tried it. A few times. Some were boys. Some were girls. But it never were more than some kisses. Just to try it. She never got what the big deal was. Not until now. This was it! This was why people kept talking about kissing. Though she was pretty sure this was more. This felt more than she knew it could feel. And the rain! Where did the rain come from? It was sunny a second ago and now it was raining like it had never rained before! 

Chapter 2:
The rain. It never rained like this here. First of all it usually only rained in the night. It was enough magic around that rain never was an issue. It rained at night just the right amount to keep everything growing just the perfect amount. The Alvie children was running around in the rain. Squealing of joy because they somehow intuitively knew it was a happy rain. The old Alvie ladies who had lived for longer than people guessed knew what kind of rain it was. It was rare. They had seen it just a few times in their lifetime. And it had never been this strong. This was the rain of two Alvies connecting. The real first connection. There was usually weather with connection. When two Alvies who were destined for eachother first connected it was usually weather happening. But this was a small community. Even if it was a big community for an Alvie community. Everyone knew each other. A lot of Alvies connected before their ceremonies. It was off course not the same connections when they were young. And when they grew in to it the weather reactions wasn’t as strong because it was a little at a time. And a lot of the bigger ones happened at night. And that’s when it tended to rain anyway. This rain was different. It was more. Stronger. And even if most the adult Alvies knew the meaning of rain they didn’t realize it was different. The elder Alvies however. They were whispering to eachother about it. Curious who it could be and excited to see what was going to happen next. 

Hedda hadn’t expected to have her first kiss on her birthday. Not with a girl she had never seen before! She lived in a place where she knew everyone! She always assumed one of the girls she had grown up with would become her love. Sure it was kinda common that people found their partner before ceremony. Even her youngest sister had a girl she’d likely grew up with and marry. But there was plenty of Alvies around her age who was still single and there was other Alvie communities in the area that people sometimes visited with. But this girl. This black haired girl. She didn’t look anything like any Alvies she had ever seen. All the Alvies she knew came from long lines of fair haired Alvies. Sure there were a fair amount of Alvies with brown hair and even some redheads. But she had never met an Alvie like this one. This beautiful one she was drawn to like nothing before. 

They were both soaking wet when then managed to separate themselves from eachother. Not that they necessarily wanted to but it was somehow raining even more and it felt like they had been there hours. They probably hadn’t. Morgan took Hedda’s hand and led her to the van where she opened the door and climbed inside. Hedda followed and Morgan closed the door behind them. It was quite cozy inside. There was a mattress on the floor and an apple tree in a pot. Hedda wasn’t sure how this girl had managed to grow an apple tree in a pot. Like a real but way smaller apple tree. With both apples and apple blossoms. She wasn’t sure how... 
Hedda looked down at the twig in her hand. The apple twig she was out to plant. And here was this apple tree in this girls car. Hedda didn’t really make a decision to plant the tree next to the tree in the pot. It was just what she was supposed to do. And what she did. She put the twig in a spot that looked like it was made for a twig to be planted. Like if the tree was hugging the twig. 
“I’m Hedda” Hedda said. 
“I’m Morgan” Morgan answered. 
They didn’t really talk after that. 
The connection they made that morning affected more than the weather. The rain intensified even more and the tiny tree and the twig started to grow and intertwine until they became one. 

Chapter 3. 
“I’ve never met someone like you” Hedda was curled up close to Morgan in her bed. Hedda’s head against Morgan’s shoulder. 
“Like what?”
“Well your hair. It’s so black. And long...”
“You’ve never met a person with black hair before?” Morgan raised her eyebrow and her smile was amused. 
“Oh of course I’ve met people with black hair and black skin and whatever. I didn’t mean it like that. I mean I haven’t met an Alvie with black hair.”
“What’s an Alvie?” Morgan looked a little confused now. 
“Oh. You don’t call yourself Alvies where you’re from?” Hedda turned so she could see Morgan’s face. 
“Who exactly would be called Alvies?”
“Oh you know. People like you and me. People with tree magic.” 
“Magic? What are you talking about?” Morgan was no longer laying down. The look on her face was pure confusion. 
“Well you obviously have magic. Look at that tree!” Hedda pointed at the Apple tree in the pot that no longer was a tiny tree but a tree who’s branches filled up most of the roof and was totally pink and white with blossoms. Here and there you could see both red and green apples. 
“My tree?” The look on Morgan’s face was still confusion. But not because of the clearly magical behavior of the tree. But rather because she might have started to realize that the behavior of her tree wasn’t the typical tree behavior. 
Hedda decided that it might be a good plan to let the whole magic thing sink in. This was clearly not something Morgan was aware of and they could take questions later. Instead she hugged her hard and without word she communicated that she was there for her. 

Hedda decided it would be a good idea to get the “normal” questions out. 
“Where are you from?”
“Minnesota. Or well Mongolia initially but I haven’t lived there since I was two and we haven’t visited since I was six.”
“So both your moms are from Mongolia?”
“Yes they come from the same village... How did you know I have two moms?”
“Well you obviously have magic”
“Oh. Right. You don’t know. All Alvies are girls. Only Alvies can make Alvies. Like you can make babies the “human way” with a man. But they’ll never have any real magic. At most they just have a shimmer. That’s what we call them. A newborn Alvie has more magic than a really strong shimmer.”
“But I have a dad. Kinda. I haven’t really seen him since the last time we went to Mongolia. And I don’t really talk to him. But my mom was married to him when I was born.”
“Ah. Right. I’ve heard stories like that.”
“Like what?”
“Well, like places that’s not alvie villages. So people get married to men. But they also have a special friend. Alvie bands are strong. Once you find your partner and bond you can’t really do much about it. It’s almost impossible to stay away from the one you love and have that connection to.”
“Oh. Yeah. I think I can see that. My moms left because they didn’t want to be married to other people. They’ve been best friends since they were like babies.”
“Yeah I can tell...”
“Really? That’s interesting. How do you know that?”
“Well look at your tree”
“You talk a lot about my tree. What’s so special about it. It’s just my tree.” 
“A persons tree tell a lot about a person! It tells you about their magic and their history. It tells about how strong they are and how many roads they’ve traveled. Most people’s trees here are deeply rooted. They’re strong and stable. They’re kinda behaving like non-alvie trees but wit a lot more power within. Your tree is not like that. Not at ALL like that. Your tree is kinda wild and free. But also restless and it doesn’t have deep roots. It tells a story about strong magic, deep history. But also rootlessness. Your tree is a wanderers tree. But it’s also looking for a place to call home.”
“Hm. This is a lot of information.” 
“Yeah I can imagine. I’ve had 16 years to learn.”
“Ah. So you’re 16?”
“Yup. Today actually.“
“Oh really? Happy birthday then! Funny coincidence I’d turn up just today.”
“Ah well. Either that or something bigger... How old are you?”
“I’m 17.”
“But you’re driving?”
“Yeah so?”
“You can’t legally drive here until you’re 18.”
“Oh. Didn’t think of that. Guess I have to stay for a bit longer then.”
Morgan smiled. Then she kissed Hedda. Again. 

Chapter 4:
“I need to go back soon” Hedda was once again Ed curled up against Morgan’s shoulder. Morgan was playing with Hedda’s blonde hair. 
“I don’t want you to go”
“Well me neither. But it’s my birthday. My sixteenth birthday. I can’t just not go. Everyone will be there for the ceremony”
“What ceremony?“
“The one where I get my magic”
“I thought you had magic?”
“Well yeah. All Alvies do. Even babies. But I won’t get my full magic until after the ceremony”
“What happens at the ceremony?”
“I don’t know. You can’t go to one until it’s your own.”
“And no one has told you?”
“They’re not supposed to.”
“Don’t people break rules here?”
“Well some do. Sometimes. But it’s not like we have a lot of rules and laws. If they’re there there’s a reason for it. And it’s more a custom than a rule.”
“I don’t want you to leave.”
“I think you should come with me.”
“Is that allowed”
“You are kinda mine now. You are kinda expected to come.”
“I’m my own...”
“I didn’t mean it as a possession. I didn’t conquer you. We connected! I’m yours, you’re mine, nothing can break us apart”
“What if I wanted to leave?”
“Do you want to?”
“Could you.”
“My car broke down.”
“You’re an alvie. A broken car won’t stop you. And that’s not what I meant. I mean could you actually make yourself leave me?”
“You know I can’t do that”
“Yes. But I also don’t want to tell you what you can and cannot do. I understand very well that this is a lot. It must be very overwhelming for you and if it was any other day we would just stay here until you were ready. But it’s my birthday and I have to go back. And you kinda have to come.”
“Can’t I wait here?” 
“Could you? Like how long would it last before you came to find me?”
“Maaaybe a minute.” Morgan started to laugh. She was defeated. Or well she knew she wasn’t. She knew they both knew this was how it had to be. 
“Plus they’re waiting for you to show up.”
“Wait, what? People know I’m here?”
“Well not everyone. The elders for sure. They might not know your name and who you are. But they know for sure someone new is here and that there was a connection.”
“The rain was a big clue.”
“It was just rain.”
“Was it?”
“Yeah you’re right. I need to get used to this! Tell me about the rain?”
“Rain like this does not happen here. It’s an Alvie village. The weather is always right. It only rains at night just the right amount to make everything grow perfectly.”
”So what about today?”
“Today we met. Today we made it rain. Today we connected and it rained more than I’ve ever seen it rain. More than I’ve ever heard about it raining. People always say it rained on my mothers wedding day. Because their connection is so strong. But I don’t think that rain was anywhere near the rain we made. People will definitely notice. And they know something big happened.”
“Are you saying we’re special?”
“I think so. I have never heard of something as big as this?”
“As big as what?”
“Morgan. Why did you come here? To this place in rural Sweden. All the way from Minnesota?”
“I’m just traveling.”
“This is not a place people travel to.”
“I got lost”
“You’re an alvie. Have you ever gotten lost before? Have your mothers?”
“Have your car ever stopped working before?”
“Not even a little bit.”
“Our connection is so strong it brought you here all the way. On the day I have my ceremony.” 
“I guess I need to figure out what to wear.”

Chapter 5.
They actually tried to not hold hands. To act as if it wasn’t as big of a deal as it was. As to not draw attention to themselves. But they knew it wasn’t going to work. The connection they had was way to strong. There was no way they could not touch eachother. And even if they did manage that, all eyes would be on them. Not only did Hedda bring a stranger in to the village. But it was a stranger that looked like no alvie anyone there had seen. Alvies aren’t known for traveling and they tend to connect stronger with alvies from the same area. Plus the rain. They could definitely not hide the rain. Hand in hand they walked to Hedda’s house. Alvies was staring at them while they walked past and some of the elders were smiling knowingly and nodding at them as a greeting when they passed by. It wasn’t far. It didn’t take that many minutes. It felt like an eternity and it felt like no time had passed. Hedda was nervous. She had left to plant a tree. She had returned with her future wife. 

Her moms were busy decorating the cake. It was a big cake with lots of marzipan apple tree twigs winding up The sides. Covered with both apple blossoms and apples. Which was a bit odd because everyone knew they didn’t occur at the same time. Normally. Hedda took a deep breath. 
“This is Morgan.” Her mothers looked up. 
“Oh.” Edith spoke first. 
“That’s why it’s raining.” Ingrid kinda filled in the rest. 
“Hi Morgan!” Edith gave Morgan a hug. 
“Welcome to the family!” Ingrid joined the hug. 
“We’re glad Hedda has found someone she has this great connection with” Edith stroked Morgan’s cheek in a motherly way and they both smiled at her. 
“Please don’t overwhelm her moms. This is a bit new for her. We’re going to my room now so I can get dressed for the party.” Her mothers nodded and waved and Hedda somewhat dragged Morgan up the stairs to her room. 
“They seem nice.” Morgan watched Hedda take out a white dress out of the wardrobe. It was simple but nice. It would suit Hedda very well. 
“They are very nice. But I think today is going to be overwhelming for both of us already. You’ll get to know them better another day.” Hedda kissed Morgan. Not to shut her up. She was just so cute and it felt right. “Can you braid hair?”
“Off course. I can do anything. I’m an alvie.” Morgan smiled at her to show she was half joking but also knew she was right. Then she kissed her again. 

Morgan could indeed braid hair. When they came down the stairs Hedda was dressed in her white dress and her hair was braided with apple blossoms in it. Morgan had on a simple blue dress that suited her very nicely. Hedda's moms kissed her cheeks and told her she was beautiful. Then they asked them both to sit down on the couch. The house sounded weirdly empty. Hedda assumed they had sent her sisters out.
“So we need to have the talk.” Ingrid said.
“I already know about sex and stuff.” Hedda replied. Slightly embarrassed her parents were talking about stuff like this the first time they met Morgan.
“Oh right,” Edith looked confused for a second, “well we didn’t mean that. Though I can see why you thought that. We think we’ve taught you about that already. We meant we need to talk about magic.”
“What about magic? I know a lot about that too.”
“Well yes. Of course you do. You grew up around it. You’re used to it. It’s normal to you. But as we understand it Morgan did not? And we need to tell you about the ceremony.”
“Ah. Ok.” Hedda was definitely curious about the ceremony and they were kinda right about Morgan. 
“So Morgan,” Ingrid looked at Morgan when she talked to her, “are we right to assume that you didn’t grow up in an alvie environment?”
“Yeah I didn’t even know that was a thing until this morning.”
“But you did grow up with both your moms?”
“I have to get used to everyone knowing I have two moms before I tell them about it. And yes I did.”
“But they never told you about alvies?”
“I don’t think they know. I think they would have told me if they did!”
“Yeah we get that. It’s a lost knowledge in many places. Villages like ours have become more rare. How old are you? Have you had a ceremony?”
“I’m 17. And no I haven’t had a ceremony.”
“Well you kinda need one. Hedda. Do you mind if we do the ceremony for you both? Or would you rather have your own today and we do Morgan’s another day?”
“I think it’s meant to be for us both.” All four looked at each other. This wasn’t exactly a surprise for any of them. But it was still a big deal. Ceremonies are usually for just one person and just once in a while would a couple that was close in age combine their ceremonies. 
“So did you plant your twig?” Edith seemed to be changing the topic. 
“Oh right. My twig. I guess I planted it...” Hedda had kinda forgotten about her twig. It seemed like it was an eternity since she had wandered outside the circle to look for a good spot.
“You guess? This is important Hedda! Where did you plant it?”
“Oh right. Ehm. I put it in the pot with Morgan’s tree.” 
“Oh.” The mothers looked at each other. Hedda couldn’t quite understand what was happening. 
“So Morgan has a tree?”
“Yeah. It’s in a pot in her van.”
“When did you plant this tree Morgan?” Edith was now looking Morgan in the eye.
“Oh it was a while ago. My moms gave me a twig from the apple tree they grew from a twig they brought back from Mongolia. I planted it in a pot. It’s kinda been my mascot or something when I’ve traveled.”
“So does your moms come from the same village in Mongolia?”
“Yeah. I think their ancestors have lived there for a very long time. But we left when I was like two.”
“Do you have any siblings?” 
“No it’s just me. I think both my mom had a miscarriage before me. And then when we moved they were just happy to have a child at all and they didn’t want to bother with donors and IVF and stuff. They seem happy with our small family.”
The mothers was quiet for a bit. As if the information they had gotten from both Hedda and Morgan meant something more than either of them understood. Morgan was aware she was new to this world and it was all kinda equally overwhelming. But Hedda, who was used to knowing most of her world, had a feeling there was a lot of it she didn’t even know she didn’t know. And she started to share this overwhelming feeling Morgan had. They were still holding hands. They hadn’t really let go since they left the van. But they were kinda squeezing the hands a little firmer. To show eachother they were in this together. 

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